Please allow two to three days for answers to email questions. When you purchase the course, you will get access to the manual and all the videos plus email support for any questions you may have. The Kalachakra Dasa is also explained in detail and examples are provided but directions on how to calculate this dasa are not given.

Explanations and directions on how to calculate the Rasi Dasas (Caranavamsa & Drig) are also given. Jaimini Sutras pertaining to these subjects are explained with modern interpretations in the manual and videos. Thorough, easy-to-understand directions are presented, giving the tenets of Jaimini astrology in regards to relationships and marriage. If there is only an elementary understanding of Vargas, the meanings of the particular Vargas used in this course are extensively explained. This is an intermediate course so one should have a grasp of planetary meanings, Varga (Divisional Chart) meanings, and how transits work.

This course is designed to provide the special techniques to predict relationships and marriage with confidence and accuracy. I wanted to develop a course that had a few different techniques of predicting relationships and marriage all in one place. Feel free to use the techniques with the Sidereal Zodiac if you are so inclined. This course utilizes the Tropical Zodiac, not the Sidereal Zodiac. An 11-hour video course with a 10,200 word manual detailing how to predict relationships and marriage with Jaimini Rasi Dasas, Broad Activation Transits and Trigger Transits.